UCSC is a membership organization, and as such, everyone must be on track for membership.
Below are some definitions of our most common of member types:
Members: These individuals have been offered a full membership and have paid their Membership Fee. They may “rent out” their membership for up to two consecutive years without penalty, after which they must either renounce their membership or renew by registering for the season. Since our membership is capped at 450 families, the number of full memberships available in any given year depends on how many current members resign.
Renters: These individuals are offered the slots that Members have decided to rent out for the season. Therefore, the number of Renters in any given season varies, depending on how many Members rent out their slot.
Waitlist: These individuals are awaiting a rental offer. The typical wait for a rental offer at this time is several seasons.
Seasonal Guest (SG): This is an individual who has been added to the Member’s or Renter’s account for the season. Live-in caregivers are categorized as SG. Seasonal Guests must be approved by the Board and are admitted as space allows.
Alumni: Available to Members in good standing age 60 and over who have been active for 15 years, or age 50 and over who have been active for 20 years, as determined by UCSC records. Alumni visits are limited to 10 per season, with 5 guest passes.
In accordance with the University City Swim Club Bylaws, Article II.14 Rules of Club, the UCSC Board hereby states the Membership Account rules.
A Membership Account may include the following:
- A maximum of two adults* and their children* (26 years and under) all of whom live at the same address
- A maximum of two Seasonal Guests for the duration of one season
- Ability to purchase a Sitter/Caregiver card for use by individuals accompanying a Member needing care
With all due respect to the historical Membership practices the Board further establishes the following:
- Membership Accounts (2022 season & prior) with a maximum of two adults, who have adult children over the age of 26 years, all of whom live at the same address, will be allowed to continue to register as family members. Adult children who will be 27 years old on or after June 1, 2024 will be able to register as Seasonal Guests on their parents’ account.
- Membership Accounts not paid within 30 days of the last payment due date are at risk for forfeiting their Membership.
- Adult members are defined as 21 years of age and older
- Child members are defined as 0-20 years of age
- Adult children of members are defined as 21-26 years of age
On November 15th, 2022, the UCSC Board hereby articulates the Membership privileges, and will submit them to the membership for a vote to incorporate them in the Bylaws.